Электронный научный журнал

L. Mardakhayev, I. Baimuratovich


Lev V. Mardakhayev – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,  professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy  and the organization of work with youth Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia); ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9654-9246, E-mail: mantissa-m@mail.ru

Ibrayev S. Baimuratovich – Doctoral candidate of PhD 2 course Department of social pedagogic and self-knowledge Faculty of social sciences Eurasian national university of L. Gumilev (Kazakhstan, Astana), E-mail:sayat_ibrai@mail.ru

Abstract. The article reveals the issues of the quality of training of social teachers, due to the vocationally-oriented identification of the student in high school. Identification in the professional training of social teachers. The relationship of vocational-oriented socialization and vocational-oriented student identification. The essence of professionally-oriented identification in the process of training social teachers. Individually-oriented character of professional identification of a social teacher. Changes occurring in the personality of the student, in the process of its professional-oriented identification. Professional competence and professional identification, professional competence and professional identification of a social teacher. The manifestation of the preparedness of a social pedagogue through theoretical, practical and productive-activity identification, as well as special psychological-pedagogical, methodical, deontological identification and auto-psychological self-identification. The main functions of the professional activity of a social teacher, as indicators of his professional-oriented socialization (identification). The main drivers of the external process of identifying trainees in the process of their professional training at the university. A special role in promoting the professional identity of the faculty. A special role in promoting the professional identity of students belongs to the teaching staff. Thanks to the teaching staff, the following happens: theoretical, emotional-personal, professional-activity and deontologically determined identification of the future social educator.

Keywords: identification, identification, professional identification, social educator, socialization.



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